Hello Family and Friends!

If you are on this page, it is because you have been cordially invited to OUR WEDDING. You have been invited because we consider in some way you are or were an important part of our life and our development as human beings.
We hope that you are just as happy and excited to live this moment with us!
March 22, 2025, will be our first anniversary as spouses and our Catholic wedding, at which time we will receive the blessing of God, the Catholic Church and both families. It is also the continuation and at the same time the beginning of a long life together.
In broad strokes we will tell a little of our story, we met in the summer of 2023 in the Hudson Valley of New York, months before we had both accidentally expressed to the universe that we wanted to meet the love of our lives and we showed that we were ready for it.
In this way the universe helped us find the right time and place to meet each other. We can't say it was love at first sight, but it was a connection at first sight, once we met, we never stopped seeing each other.
We lived a summer and an autumn of romance and adventures, we talked every night about everything we had done, what we wanted, we leaned one another’s deepest fears to the most enthusiastic dreams, we met part of our families. Those experiences lead to the decision to live together come the beginning of November.
Here is our story...
We were “engaged” at the beginning of 2024 and got married in the spring. We had a private civil ceremony wedding in Kingston New York on March 22, 2024. We had not shared this beyond our immediate family because we both decided that we were going to have our dream wedding in Colombia and with our entire family, and we decided that the date of our dream wedding would be our first anniversary.
And that is how life has brought us to this moment, we hope to share with you more in person and share the day of March 22, 2025. In the invitation you received and have in your hands at this moment incudes the time and places.
Also, there is the “boarding pass” that you will find inside the invitation which includes the dress code and the number of chairs (guests) that your invitation includes.

Please confirm your attendance at the following link, filling out all the information requested by the event planner, please understand the number of chairs you confirm should not exceed the number that is on your invitation.
Finally, we would like to ask if you confirm your attendance and for some reason you cannot attend, do not forget to send us a message to the email address that appears in the invitation at least one month in advance.

Erika Velásquez Alférez:
I was born on July 11, 1991, in the city of Bogotá at 3 p.m., it is a moment that the whole family remembers with enthusiasm because it was the exact time of an important planetary event: total solar eclipse. In fact, an aunt (I won't say her name) wrote me a poem and asked my parents called me “Eclipsa.” I thank God and my parents for not agreeing to such a request.
My parents, Miguel Ancizar Velásquez and María Arcelia Alférez, are my heroes, two wonderful people who were born in the same town “El Calvario” Meta. They both work hard for the Education of our region. they have instilled in me all the values and virtues that have made me the woman I am.
I am a lawyer by profession, a master’s in public law, a businesswoman and one of those dreamers who are a little crazy. I am a woman with many dreams and projects, one of them was to find the love of my life and here we are about to receive the greatest blessing in the universe.
I dedicated a lot of time in my life to training (building) myself as a woman and as a professional, and I was very successful thanks to God and my family. Now comes a new stage of my life where I hope to be the best wife, mother and to be able to bring a beautiful family into the world with those values that represent me.
It will be a pleasure to have you on the day of my dream wedding to eat, dance and share happiness.

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Stephan Van Kleeck
I was born and raised in the Hudson Valley of New York by my mother (Bonnie) and father (Raymond). I have a younger brother Max Van Kleeck.
I grew up playing outside, enjoyed building things, and loved making art, to this day I still enjoy the same things. I love to be outside enjoying activities such as hiking, swimming in the river, kayaking, snowboarding, or sitting around the fire. My passion for building and designing things lead to a career as a woodworker/finish carpenter. I studied art in collage and still enjoy making ink drawings and painting landscapes. Both of my parents are also artist.
I can’t wait to enjoy an amazing day with everyone as Erika and I join our lives.

When we meet for first time, I was only studying English and working as a bartender. He falls in love with the bartender then he got the lawyer.
Our first conversation that began our interest in one another was about electronic music events.
We both love cooking and are in constantly competition become the better cook.
We became the best friends and life partners, we love partying, good food, events, traveling, a relaxed but exciting life.

- Women long cocktail dress (except white, olive green and rosewood colors)
- Men's suit or tuxedo (except white)